Those of you who know me know that I've been working way more than any human should the past couple of months. April 15 is almost here, and there is still just too much to do. But I do have to give my firm credit for finding creative ways to squeeze every last bit of energy from us this week.
Saturday they left big cases of FRS Energy Drinks in the kitchen, with a sign that said "this will give you increased energy and improved focus". Hey - was I not focused before ?
Today they had a Flavia Coffee Station set up. (for my croppin buddies - same one as at Remember When) This will create pretty much any kind of espresso, cappucino, tea, or hot chocolate one could think of. I think the key here is caffeine.
So - I've got new energy drinks and all the cappucino I could ask for -- hopefully the next few days won't be so bad. Looking forward to having the 16th off ! Nap time !