We have cats. If you know us, then you know that.
They are family members, surrogate children so to speak. Fur babies. We are pretty good about staying on top of vet care and our cats are very well cared for. In my next life, I want to come back as one of my cats (not even joking).
We are not novices at taking care of old or ailing kitties. We survived a couple of ill, elderly cats and our next generation is already 13 years old. You name it, we have probably been through it with our cats at one point or another.
One of our current kitties, Smokey Jo-Ella, is a bit different. She was a feral kitten when she adopted us, wanting to be around us but not wanting to be touched. She has grown into a happy, pampered housecat and we love her, but from afar. I have had to cancel vet appointments because I just couldn't catch her at the designated time. Medicating her is something that better be a one-dose thing because once you do it once, you will not catch her again for several days at least.
Smokey Jo-Ella has needed to have a couple of fatty lumps removed for a while now, but because of her issues we had put this off. Then we had a conversation with our vet. I explained the reality of the situation and the problems I knew we would have. First, I knew we would not be able to medicate her at home after she returned from the operation. She would already be freaked out and I probably would not even see her for a couple days after. Second, I knew she would not wear a cone. Any other time she needed one it lasted on her for all of about 10 minutes before she expertly got out of it and hid for days. If by some miracle she did manage to keep it on, she hides in places where she could be stuck with the cone and I would not be able to get to her. So aside from her stress level, there would be considerable stress on us as we could do nothing to help her.
And this is where our vet became my super hero. Dr. Tracey McFarland, The Cat Doctor, had brilliant answers to my fears.
First, she was able to close Smokey Jo-Ella's incisions with sutures that were under the skin. Thus, nothing for her to bother if she were to get to the area. No cone, no problem! This is one of her 3 incisions, with no visible stitches.
Second, she was able to inject Smokey Jo-Ella with not only long acting anti-biotic, but long acting pain meds. No need for us to dose her at home!
The result - Smokey was acting normal within about a half hour of coming home. She looks funny with her shaved back and incisions, but was not stressed, and was not fearful of us trying to catch her again, and doesn't seem to be in pain.
This may seem like a little thing, but trust me, it is HUGE. This little fearful kitty not having to have days and days worth of stress and fear is a big BIG thing.
Thank you Dr. Tracey. You are the best.